are you noob or pro at minecraft

every one wants to become a micraft pro but they can,t be a Minecraft pro instantly it requires lots of practice take this quiz to see if your pro good luck!

good luck before you take it remember just choose honestly. or else it won,t tell the truth good luck also one more tip: if you want to make your house secure build walls around and a secret base.

Created by: william of are you pro or noob at minecraft
(your link here more info)
  1. are you a pro at minecraf answer honestly
  2. how long have you played minecraft
  3. how often do you use Redstone
  4. do you like minecraft
  5. have you built a mansion
  6. what do you make your house out of
  7. who is notch
  8. how many worlds do you have
  9. are you a minecraft youtuber
  10. how many youtube videos of minecraft do you have
  11. when did you start playing Minecraft
  12. what do you build your houses out of

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Quiz topic: Am I noob or pro at minecraft
