Are You More Like Me (Gumball) or Darwin?

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Me/Gumball: Hey, GTQ! It's me, Gumball and today, we will see if your me or my brother, Darwin. I have some questions about your personality to see who you are.

Me/Gumball: I hope you like the quiz and I'm gonna go watch Alligators on a Train after this so everyone have a great day and that's all, see ya, everyone!

Created by: Amazing_Gumball
  1. Me/Gumball: First off, which color out of these?
  2. Me: Your a...
  3. Me: Your an...
  4. Me: Which animal?
  5. Me: Which video game would you rather play?
  6. Me: What do you do if you get caught doing something bad?
  7. Me: Your friend walks up to you and ask how their hair looks, tbh, you think it's bad and they have gum in their hair but they don't know, you...
  8. Me: Your dream job out of these would be to...
  9. Me: What kind of movie?
  10. Me: What do you do if you see a spider?
  11. Me: Lastly, who do you think you are? (NO EFFECT)

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Quiz topic: Am I More Like Me (Gumball) or Darwin?
