Amazing_Gumball's Profile


Joined on Apr 28, 2021
Status Level: Novice

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Amazing_Gumball's Recent Posts

  • Venting Thread
    "Also, I just spoke with Cal, she said she's babysitting her cousin's baby and that I may have to babysit her Chinchilla soon so YAY"
  • Venting Thread
    "Her school has been making up a "Future Plan" for her so that's why she's been mostly busy"
  • Venting Thread
    "She's been busy, she's moving into my a new house. It's not far from mine, actually, it's closer and her cousin just had a baby so she's hel..."
  • Venting Thread
    "Yeah, and my sister"
  • Venting Thread
    "Idk, all I know is that he's moving out, my mom said that she can't handle having him around. He causes too many problems and doesn't take t..."
  • Venting Thread
    "(Late Post) Not yet, he will once he's 18, he's17 RN"
  • Venting Thread
    "I'm honestly not sure why they give out that much money for such a small talent show but eh, at least the award isn't a pencil from school"
  • Venting Thread
    "Hmmm, I kind of wanna do it, Ig I may try it cuz the money goes up to about 1000 or so"
  • Venting Thread
    "My apartment is having this Virtual Talent Show where you can win REAL MONEY but Idk if I wanna sing for it cuz if I get 1st place (which I ..."
  • Venting Thread
    "I'm done with class now, all I have to do is do a Math quiz and a few other things for Homework"
  • Venting Thread
    "Her names Whisper, she's a female, and she is a mixed of a Snowshoe and Siamese cat. I got her from a person I know who's cat had babies"
  • Venting Thread
    " brother might have injured my sister on her head and leg...I feel so bad and so scared"
  • Venting Thread
    "I don't really like my school, it's a Homeschool where everyone is overworked and do more to leap towards a good future. And some of the tea..."
  • Venting Thread
    "I'm cuddling with my catto, it's a great way to start the day 😺"
  • Venting Thread
    "My mom's tellin me I get my brother's bedroom when he moves out and I got plans... I'm most likely gonna turn it into a gaming room"

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