Are you monkey crazy?

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There are many crazy people but don't know how crazy they are! They could be insane or sane! Who knows, you could be crazy or even insane without knowing!

You can find out today by taking this quiz right now!!! This is my second quiz and I hope that you will like it! And I hope that you don't get affended by the results...

Created by: anonymous
  1. Are you hyper?
  2. Do your friends call you crazy our insane?
  3. Do you feel like you are monkey crazy?
  4. Do you feel like bouncing off the walls?
  5. Do you like to climb up trees and swing from them?
  6. Is your normal voice loud?
  7. Do you like monkeys?
  8. Do you like to go crazy?
  9. Rate and comment?
  10. Good bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I monkey crazy?