Are you manly quiz?

Hey men! Are you manly? Do you stink or do you belong on the flagpole with all the other nerds? Take this quiz to find out if you are sitting on the nerds, or if you’re the weak little nerd getting his face crushed by a butt!

We all know that gassy men (much like myself) are manly men, because nothing can dominate a room more than ripping a nice big stinker in it and gassing out everyone else.

Created by: Alan1979
  1. How old are you?
  2. How many push-ups can you do?
  3. What kind of underwear do you wear?
  4. How big is your belly?
  5. How much do you fart?
  6. How bad do your farts smell?
  7. Are you proud of your farts?
  8. How often do you burp?
  9. How loud are your burps?
  10. Are you proud of your burps?
  11. Do you have any brothers? If so, are you the oldest, youngest, or are you in the middle?
  12. If you have brothers, do they wedgie you? If they do, which one do you get the most?
  13. How big are you, down there?
  14. Do you drink beer?
  15. Have you ever sat on a nerds face? (If you haven’t, try it sometime!)
  16. How good were/are your high school grades?
  17. When was the last time you showered?
  18. Bend over with your butt facing a mirror, do you see a plumbers crack?
  19. How long do your pees last?
  20. How long do your dumps take?
  21. How many nerds have you flagpole wedgied?
  22. When was the last time you wet or crapped your pants cause you were too lazy to go to the toilet?

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Quiz topic: Am I manly quiz?
