Are you magical?

Hey. Has anything weird ever happened to you? Have you ever wondered if it could be something...supernatural? Well, time to find out! My quiz will accurately determine whether or not you are magical!

I hope you enjoy this quiz as much as I've enjoyed making it! Be sure to leave a comment as to what your result is, and share this quiz to your friends!

Created by: Quizmaster
  1. have you ever emitted light, or some sort of supernatural force from your body during a time of great emotion?
  2. Have you ever had a dream, and woken up and found that you are bleeding, or there was some other sign that the dream was real?
  3. Have you ever shone signs of supernatural or magical qualities?
  4. Do you have any powers?
  5. Are people scared to be around you, because you have unpredictable supernatural qualities?
  6. have you ever done something embarrassing with your powers that got you in trouble? (Like accidentally lighting a teachers hair on fire with your magic!)
  7. Are you liking this quiz? (It won't affect the results!)
  8. If you have powers, what kind do you have?
  9. Do you feel like a misfit because of your powers?
  10. LAST QUESTION! Do you think you are magic?

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Quiz topic: Am I magical?
