Are You Like Susan in Narnia?

There is many people that might want to see if they are like Susan in Narnia. She is a good influence on people, and everyone wants to be a good influencer.

Susan just isn't courageous and brave, she is many other things, and find out if those things are like you, so enjoy this quiz. Note don't take the selfish quiz, and look on my other quizzes, do you have good hygiene, is your boyfriend a romance, go to gotoquiz. Com/ newquizzes.

Created by: Bella
  1. Do you love your sister/sisters?
  2. Do you have responsibility?
  3. Do you take time to spend time with your sisters?
  4. Do you show a caring attitude toward your sis or sisters?
  5. Do you do well in your studies?
  6. Do you slang/curse?
  7. Do you use proper English? Like for example he drownded you say he drowned?
  8. Do you try and expand your vocab?
  9. Do you use big words like logical?
  10. Do you think this quiz was good? Did you like it?

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Quiz topic: Am I Like Susan in Narnia?