Are you like my oldest sister?

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There are some people who are "twins" that don't even know each other. But are you my oldest sisters twin or not. Take this quiz to find out then. Thanks

im just going to write random we go.. But the fact I can see it as an excuse for the next few weeks officials say that you have no clue who I was like that it would have

Created by: Kaleigh

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does your first name start with an "M"?
  2. Does your middle name start with an "M"?
  3. Does your last name start with an "A"?
  4. Do you have a nose piercing?
  5. Do you have your ears pierced?
  6. Do you like to wear pearls?
  7. Do you love sweet tea?
  8. Is your favorite food mexian food?
  9. Are you a kid or adult or teen?
  10. Do you like asparagus or artichokes?
  11. Do you love "5 below"?

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Quiz topic: Am I like my oldest sister?