Are you like me? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you like me?

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  • I got 75% like me and it says wow its like you are me welllllllll lets not go too far to say that my friend. Also I have a suggestion. u just put Kesha (my old fav singer) but didnt even include bands like ones that u like now my chemical romanc eoanic at the disco fall out boy paramore none of that even tho Im pretty sure u didnt know of their existence at this point but still why are u so inconsiderate wow u thought Kesha is the best singer of all time and thats never gonna change well I have newssssssss for u. I am weird u cant read this ur reading it right now ur writing it now ummmm I am having a crisis and will have to excuse myself

  • Hi lol i took it i go 100% cause i AM me hahaha if you want you can ask for improvements! Thanks!

  • Btw lol means laugh out loud which means haha

  • Sorry i meant got not go lol


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