are you like me

hi ppl this quiz is about me and i hope you try to anser then and get them all right can you please rate and comment as this is my first ever quiz on goto quiz and i need some confidence

i hope you have read above as i need some confidence in myself i also hope you enjo this quiz as much as i enjoyed writing (whilst watching boring emmerdale) whoops there goes a hint for the quiz wich lies ahead ty for taking your time to do this quiz

Created by: rosettaose09

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. whats my birthday month
  2. whats my fav coulour
  3. whats my favorite movie
  4. whats my favorite soap
  5. whats my middle name
  6. whats my favorite cartoon
  7. whats my hair coulour
  8. whats my eye coulour
  9. whats my favorite type of dancing
  10. whats my two bffs names

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Quiz topic: Am I like me