are you insane?

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do you have a "friend" who is quit possibly insane. take the quiz and find out if they really are.

or is it really a friend. ether way take the quiz.

Created by: hailey of chocomonkmonk
(your link here more info)
  1. do you make jokes
  2. what are you most likely to do
  3. do you play with
  4. what kind of doll do you have
  5. what do you like more
  6. whats your favorite color
  7. what is your favorite word
  8. how would you describe the loonie toons
  9. what would you rather?
  10. silly billie when to town riding
  11. answer this: a cowboy goes into town on Friday he stays for 2 day days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

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Quiz topic: Am I insane?