Are you in the Chrysalis? -Wings of Fire-

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In this quiz, you will be tested about whether or not you are in the Chrysalis, a secret underground movement of SilkWings. These SilkWings have come together, because they all believe that their tribe should be free from the HiveWings.

I do not think you should take this quiz if you have not read the Wings of Fire series. Also, if you have read only some Wings of Fire books but all of them, then this quiz will have spoilers.

Created by: Jillyboo
  1. If you figured out that there was an assassin coming to kill your family, what would you do?
  2. Which do you like more: keeping secrets, or telling secrets?
  3. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
  4. Are you good at keeping secrets?
  5. Do you like the Chrysalis?
  6. Do you think of yourself as fierce?
  7. Do you like HiveWings?
  8. Do you think that it was fair that Queen Wasp basically took over your entire tribe during the Tree Wars?
  9. Do you think that the Flamesilks deserve to be free?
  10. Overall, do you think you are curious?

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Quiz topic: Am I in the Chrysalis? -Wings of Fire-
