Wings of Fire Dragon Types Quiz.

Hello! How are you! My quiz is about a series called the "Wings of Fire" if you have not read the series yet, I encourage you strongly to both read it and take the quiz.

My quiz has 10 different dragons. Leafwings, Silkwings, and Hivewings only appear in books 11,12, and 13, so retake the quiz if you haven't read those books yet.

Created by: Michael
  1. What's your favorite temperature?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What power?
  4. What Animal?
  5. What Superhero
  6. What Item?
  7. What setting?
  8. What's your favorite mythical creature?
  9. What Plant?
  10. What Dragon would you like to appear?
  11. What Dragon would you like to appear?

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