Are you in style?

This quiz is made to see if you are in style. Do you know what to wear? Are you in or out? Take this quiz and see if you really know how to dress or if your someone who just understands the basics. No one is perfect but where do you fit in?

Take this quiz to find out if you are in style or on your way out the door. You may find out your perfect the way you are or you may realize you need improvement. Either way take the quiz and find out!

Created by: tara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you are around your house do you match?
  2. When you go to the mall you are going for...
  3. I am in style because..
  4. I know that I have good taste because..
  5. The best color for summer is?
  6. The colors for winter are?
  7. When you wear hair barretts you are to...
  8. What is the biggest most disgusting problem women have according to fashion analyists.
  9. What is the rule before leaving the house...
  10. What are women concerned with more than clothes...
  11. According to recent studies Marilyn Monroe is concidered...
  12. The belt and shoes are always suppose to...
  13. Eye make up is always suppose to...
  14. The purpose of eye liner is...
  15. Asking about style...

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Quiz topic: Am I in style?