Are you in love?

Are you in love, have a crush, or are just plain horny? Take this quiz to find out. This quiz is my first so please don't judge. I put lots of effort into it.

Please note: These results may not be 100% accurate. This quiz is only for informational/entertainment purposes. Don't take the results seriously but do take them seriously at the same time. I have experience and I did research on this topic too so I can assure that my results will be somewhat close to the truth. Also I'm sorry but the questions may repeat so you may have to answer the same question twice. Sorry about that ;)

Created by: Firestar3208
  1. Did you feel like you liked/loved this person at first sight?
  2. Do you get butterflies in your stomach or blush or feel embarrassed when he/she compliments/looks at/acts romantic to you?
  3. How long have you known him/her?
  4. How long have you been in a relationship with this person? (Since you and your significant other started to like/love each other)
  5. How long have you been in a relationship with this person? (Since you and your significant other started to like/love each other)
  6. How and how often do you and your significant other talk?
  7. How do YOU believe he feels about you?
  8. Have you and your significant other gone out on a date before?
  9. How do you feel about him/her? (Honestly)
  10. Does s/he already have a bf/gf?
  11. Does s/he already have a bf/gf?
  12. This quiz is my first, and I put a lot of effort into it. Did you enjoy it? (I swear this will have no effect on the result)
  13. Pleeeease comment and/or rate! I really want to know what you guys think of this quiz. Thank you so much for taking it!!! :D (No effect on the result either)

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?