Are you good at math?

This is the place where I'm supposed to act all philosophical about this quiz, but I won't. It's pretty simple, come in, answer questions, and leave with a rating.

Are you capable of performing some simple calculations on your own? Do you want to test your wits and knowledge in this one and only test? Then enter and find out if you know Math.

Created by: Zefs
  1. Which of these bands can calculate properly?
  2. Which of these bands is the equivalent of the circumference of two equally sized circles whose radius is the combination of their diameters squared?
  3. Which of these bands cheated off their colleagues in Algebra 2A?
  4. What band has a music video featuring the members playing in the woods in animal masks?
  5. What band would you see live in Calculus class?
  6. Jurassic Geometry?
  7. If Captain Beefheart were a Math Rock musician, his band would be. . .
  8. Which album would you choose to listen to?
  9. What albums consists of "Song 5," "Song 7," and "Song 3"?
  10. There is only one right answer.

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Quiz topic: Am I good at math?