Are you gonna be popular?

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Are you popular? If you think you are or aren't and your stuck this will confirm! This will tell you everything you need to know! It has multiple choice answers and really great questions!

There isn't too many questions so you'll get your true result in no time! Whatever your score is it'll tell you all the details and everything you need to know! Nothing rude at all!

Created by: Zoe of My Youtube Channel! (tik tok too!)
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you the type of person to bully someone? Shorter: Have you ever bullied someone?
  2. Do you like Homework?
  3. Do you like fashion!?
  4. Are you a tomboy or girly girl?
  5. Are you into sports or fashion?
  6. Are you male or female? Do you want to be male or female?
  7. Whats your favorite subject?
  8. Third To Last Question: Did you like my first ever quiz?
  9. Second To Last Question: What do you think/or believe you will get on the quiz?
  10. Last Question: Do you have lots of friends and Tik Tok!?

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Quiz topic: Am I gonna be popular?
