Are you gay quiz

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This quiz can determine if you are super gay, pretty gay, little gay, bad memory dude, strait, of homophobic. We want you know what you are by taking internet quizzes.

We will ask you some questions, but don't worry, this quiz is short! in case you don't have enough time to take a long quiz to see your answers. We hope you enjoy

Created by: Lilia
  1. Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. Have you fantasized about someone of the same sex?
  3. Have you fantasized about someone of the other sex?
  4. How to you feel about homosexuality?
  5. How to you feel about strait people?
  6. if you were yelled at by a would:
  7. If your best friend of the same sex kissed would:
  8. how many pride parades have you attended?
  9. How did you like the quiz?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I gay quiz

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