Vine test (Hard)

Bored and really wanted to test people's knowledge and memory. Some of them are really hard and some are pretty easy. Used some of the most iconic vines that you will know if you were the og.

This quiz is what I interpret to be pretty hard to remember in vines and may not be to a standard of "hard" I'm really trying my best ya'll and I'm tired :(

Created by: Emma pug
  1. What type of soda did Kourtney order after Kim suggested the orange soda
  2. What page did the teacher ask Jared to read?
  3. "That's a f---ing bear! NOOOO!" What happened to the bear?
  4. What color was Chis' crayon that his younger brother mistook for a weed?
  5. After taking a sip of beer, his mom says she's going to beat his ass. What's his name?
  6. Jesy Nelson (part of Little Mix) tried to do what accent poorly that came out sounding like BALEGDEH?
  7. When these girls tried to take a picture using their back camera, what came up instead?
  8. I'm going to Disney________ October __. So if you wanna come down come on down.
  9. What color is the guy's jacket who says "ok" in response to hello?
  10. Hi, welcome to ______
  11. So I'm sitting there, ______ on my titties.
  12. "Dad it's the good kush. It's _______ how good could it be?" What store are they at?
  13. What color was the bag where she spilled lipstick in her Valentino bag?
  14. My name is Micheal with a(n) ____.
  15. In the vine "What the f--- Richard?" What was Richard doing?

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