are you fruit or are you veg?

"There are many types of fruit and veg, but few people who know what its like to be one. Experience YOUR life as a fruit or veg and see the world at a totallly different point of view."

"Are you fruit or are you veg? Do you have the personality of an Apple, Bannana, Pomegranet or Grapefruit? or do you have the knoledge of a Brocoli, Coliflower or Tomato? In just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Ella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favourite food products?
  2. How often do you go to McDonalds?
  3. How much sugar do you have in one day?
  4. how many times do you go to the toilet in one day?
  5. How much water do you have in one day?
  6. what time do you go to bed on a weekday?
  7. What time do you go to bed on the weekends?
  8. How often do you go on walks? (e.g to town, to the countey...)
  9. How regelarly do you use the computer?
  10. How often do oyu eat fish?

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Quiz topic: Am I fruit or am I veg?