are you from the hood

There are many people that say they are from the hood. many people have different definitions of "hood". For me it's a place the cops call a hot spot. or a place many people talk bad about, or the home of lots of gangbangers.

So you want to find out how hood you are. You may think you live in the hood, but after this test you will know if you really are, or if you listen to too much rap.

Created by: aldair
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do the cops consider your hood as a hot spot.
  2. has a cop ever knocked on your door.
  3. are there any shoes hanging on a light post on your street
  4. do any of your neighbors smoke weed.
  5. if you hear gunshots what do you do.
  6. what music do you bump.
  7. do you hear police sirens when you go to bed.
  8. do other people talk about you hood as a place they wouldn't like to live in.
  9. how many of your neighbors own a lowrider.
  10. how many of your friends own a gun.
  11. do you consider your hood a dangerous place to live.

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Quiz topic: Am I from the hood