Are You Forever Fashionable?

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is fashion ur life? it sure is mine! does ur heart quicken when u see new merchandise stacked in neatly fresh piles! Does fashion awaken a loss for things you neve even knew u needed?

do u think u r forever fashionable? DO u have sparks about u that noone else has? find out here! and dont 4geet to take my other quizzes id love it if u did!

Created by: Joy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which One Is not an actual brand?
  2. Do U wear heels alot?
  3. DO u think Lady Gagas style is cool?
  4. DO u know the following brands: Gucci, DKNY, elle, Prada?
  5. Do u like stores like: Forever21 or Urban Outfitters?
  6. Are u a good poser?
  7. Do U find urself attractive?
  8. What is ur closet filled with
  9. why r u taking this quiz?
  10. Ready 4 ur results!

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Quiz topic: Am I Forever Fashionable?