Are you fit to be a cheerleader?

This quiz is an amazing Bella quiz.... i mean cheer quiz in this quiz you will be able to see if you are a real cheerleader!!! if you are a real cheerleader you will know and it will be an amazing cheerleader!

Being a cheerleader ia amazing oyu would love it if you want to go out for it DOOOO ITTT ukfkvhdnb uijkr,.rfikudfkwreuygiuiguerkug,gvogroivkjeiuhgeouj

Created by: Ezra landreneau
  1. What would your friends describe you as?
  2. what position are you? (want to be)
  3. Why are you really interested in cheer? (BE HONEST)
  4. What are you best at. (or think you would be best at)
  5. Is cheer a sport?
  6. Are you flexible?
  7. How often do you work out?
  8. Do you think you're pretty?
  9. How much do you think you know about cheer?
  10. Choose a phrase that you would say if you were cheering for a team!
  11. What is your name?

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Quiz topic: Am I fit to be a cheerleader?
