Are you Fire or Water

Hello! Hope your having a great day! In this quiz you will get to know if you are fire ( tense and lazy ) or water ( chill & Netfliz goals ) Either of them are great, but I consider myself Fire...

I hope,you enjoy this quiz, get the element you wanted and have fun.... have a good day ( or night ) For more quiz’s rate my quiz! By I yam a person!!!

Created by: I yam a person
  1. Are you easily angry...
  2. Are you lazy or chilled...
  3. On a scale of 1 to 5 how hegh is your stress level ( 5 being the highest, & 1 being the lowest )
  4. Are you calm..
  5. Are you lazy or ambitious ...
  6. Netflix goals?!
  7. Lazy.............
  8. Lazy people fact! #25172947463728176 you were too lazy to read that number!
  9. Are you reckless
  10. Last Question.... jk! Did you enjoy this quiz?
  11. Fire or water

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Quiz topic: Am I Fire or Water

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