Are you Emo, Goth, or Punk?

I was gonna make a quiz that determined how alternative you are, or what subcategory you fit in, but I really didn't know too much about any of them except emo, goth, and punk, so here you go.

Yeah, just go on ahead and take it. Don't mind me. I'm gonna use this box here as a filler box. 12345678901234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm[];',.j/

Created by: Alex
  1. What type of clothes do you usually wear?
  2. What about shoes?
  3. What's your hair like?
  4. What bands or artists do you usually listen to?
  5. Do you ever wear jewlery?
  6. If you play an instrument, what is it?
  7. Would you ever dye your hair gray or black?
  8. What kind of house would you wanna live in when you grow up?
  9. This is a filler question
  10. This is another filler question

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Quiz topic: Am I Emo, Goth, or Punk?
