Who are you in the alternative universe?

Alternative or “Alt” style is made up of a bunch of different types of styles. It’s people who express themselves through fashion and wear different clothes than “normal” people. It’s made up of goth, punk, and many different other styles. Alt people are often pro LGBQT+ and pro rights in general.

Disclaimer: I only did styles I’m familiar with and did not do every single alt style there is. I tried my best to describe the aesthetics and hope I accurately described them.

Created by: Alt Queen
  1. Choose a color palette;
  2. Choose something to wear:
  3. You come out dressed super alternative, in an outfit your family has never seen you in. How do your parents/people close to you react?
  4. How do you feel about people who dress alternative and different?
  5. On a scale from 1-10 how much black do you wear normally?
  6. Choose a best friend:
  7. What’s your favorite subject?
  8. Choose a pet:
  9. It’s afternoon on a Saturday, what are you doing?
  10. What’s your favorite movie?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the alternative universe?
