Are You Embarassing To Be Around?

There are peopel who live for the moment and are human. They are the ones considered embarassing. Then there are the people who are smart and think before they act. They aren't embarassing. But who are you exactly?

Are YOU embarrassing? Do you make people think they're NOT the worst person ever? Or are you mature and able to actually think? Find out with this quiz!

Created by: tomboykaitie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's completely silent at the Talent Show. A friend is up next. There are 500 some odd people sitting around you. The person sitting next to you (also a friend) dares you to stand up and scream. Would you do it?
  2. Would you consider yourself a dumbsh** when it comes to dares?
  3. How much time do you take getting ready each morning?
  4. Do you agree: There are not enough guy quizzes.
  5. You are at a fancy, expenisive restraunt. How do you act?
  6. Do you speak loudly, average or softly?
  7. Are you polite? (Mannors, no cussing, no innaproperate conversations, ect.)
  8. Dear Quiz-Taker: It's okay to be embarassing. You are only human and if you DO get a high score on this quiz for being embarassing, realize you'll never beat me at being embarassing.
  9. How embarassing do you consider yourself?
  10. How positive can you be?
  11. How random are you?
  12. Also take quizzes made by: Scar, xXvampiregirlXx, xVaMpIrEx, CAPITAL LETTER GUY, bunniesrule, blacky chan, punk king, (and) I like music!!
  13. Thanks for taking my quiz!

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Quiz topic: Am I Embarassing To Be Around?