Are you double jointed?

It is rare to be double jointed, do u wanna know if u r one of those rare people? Maybe u think u r double jointed but it pops out of its socket of something

Come on and find out if u are one of those few people that are double jointed! It's is a 12 question quiz that is calling your name! Try or fail! U will see...😈

Created by: Brooklyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When u do something with a part of your body, does it feel weird?
  2. I am double jointed in two places. My left hand ring finger, and right hand thumb. But can u be double jointed in your jaw?
  3. Does you finger do cool tricks like bend back to your thumb?
  4. Can u twist your leg until its backwards?
  5. Are you flexable? Maybe it helps by being double jointed.
  6. How long have you been double jointed?
  7. How would u rate this quiz p.s. it counts!
  8. What's a cool fact about you
  9. Are u tall
  10. Last question. If you think you double jointed, try doing it first befor u get the results.

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Quiz topic: Am I double jointed?