Are you diffrent?

There are some people that have shared personalities. do you think you have one? If so continue this quiz/keep reading to find out! Sorry that I used the word different when divergent is a a better word:/

So sorry I'd I offended anyone with that:/. So please rate and comment and give some good feedback instead if hating but if that's what you really think then that's ok.

Created by: crazyperson1
  1. Do you hate crowds and stand up to people?
  2. Are you crazy and weird?
  3. Are you nice?
  4. Would you use the ability to detect lies?
  5. How long did it take you to find a group of friends?
  6. Do people describe you as fun?
  7. How much groups of friends do you have?
  8. Do you have an obsession with something?
  9. Did you like this quiz? (No effect)
  10. I'm sorry if different wasn't the right word...divergent is better sorry

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Quiz topic: Am I diffrent?