Are You Cowboy or City?

Hi yall there are many cow boys and city boys but that doesn't mean we're that different. We're all people just with different lifestyles. One likes beans and coffee and the other burger king, lol be proud of who you are.

Yall ready for your results? Find out next time lol... just kidding no matter what you get it doesn't mean change who you are. Be yourself and shine on.

Created by: amazon
  1. Do you like a home cooked meal?
  2. Do you care how your hair is like when you go to school?
  3. What kind of shoes do you wear to school?
  4. Who do you hang with?
  5. Do you like horses?
  6. Missouri or new York.
  7. How much country do you listen to?
  8. Corn and biscuits.
  9. Do you like take out food?
  10. Yehawww

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Quiz topic: Am I Cowboy or City? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Lifestyle Quiz category.