Are You Clean or Dirty?

A lot of people hate to do chores. On the other hand some people do like cleaning. I made this quiz because you might not no how well are you. When you notice it you will be like OMG I gotta clean!!!

Do you clean? Are you dirty? Come and see. Thanks!!! MM!!! M!!!

Created by: Xoxo222
  1. Do you like doing chores?
  2. What time do you clean?
  3. Do you do chores on your own or you wait for your mom?(parents, guardians. Etc)?
  4. Do you have a clean room?
  5. Do you just throw your things around?
  6. Are you responsible for doing cleaning?
  7. Do you make your siblings(bro/sis)clean?
  8. Does your mom clean your room when your not around?
  9. Do you help your mom?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Clean or Dirty?