Are You Blood Of the Pharos?

Hi this quiz is to tell if you are blood of the pharos. There is no right or wrong answer to this quiz. If your not blood of the pharos don't worry. You will not have to deal with all the monsters and chaos the kanes deal with.

With this quiz you can uncover secrets of your families past. Could you be realated to the long lost pharos of egypt? Take this quiz to find out! Hope your happy with your results.

Created by: isabella
  1. Have you read all of kane cronicals?
  2. Have your parents been acting like there keeping something from you? (like being blood of the pharos).
  3. Do you feel somewhat powerful?
  4. 1 to 10 how did you like kane cronicals?
  5. How would you react if you got 100% blood of the pharos?
  6. If you are blood of the pharos which godly path would you follow.
  7. Last one. Do you think you'd be ready if you were blood of the pharos?
  8. Jk the quizzes have to be at least ten questions long so yeah. What clothes would you perfer if you were blood of the pharos?
  9. Have you witnessed something weird like a flying moose or something.
  10. What would you do if the set animal came to your house?
  11. Ok final one. Have you ever felt a surge of power, like you could lift up a buliding?

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Quiz topic: Am I Blood Of the Pharos?
