are you blob enough?

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have you ever wondered if you are blob enough? if you are a no blob, a big blob, or even a true blob? well wonder no more, for this quiz will finally show you the answer. come my child, for blobs await you.

join us, on this magical journey, to find out how blob you really are. you will face challenges and obstacles no doubt, but in the end, you will know that the true blob, was the friends we made across the way.

Created by: the blob gal
  1. you are not blobbing, what do you do.
  2. someone comes up to you and says that they like frogfishes more than blobfish. what do you do?
  3. what does W.H.O.P.A stand for?
  4. what is the best animal?
  5. bossfish comes up to you and tells you that due to an unfortunate incident involving arms (the weapon type) arms (the severed type) and a girl scout, there is now a position open in the cabinet. what do you do?
  6. what position would you hold in W.H.O.P.A.'s cabinet?
  7. what is the best quote?
  8. who is a better lawyer? realronathan, or #realronathan
  9. whats your favorite book?
  10. you suddently get word that an entire frogfish army are rapidly closing in on your location. you can use one weapon, what is it?
  11. how are you doing?
  12. I am a blobfish, my name is blobby, my face is floppy ____________

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Quiz topic: Am I blob enough?
