Are You Best Friends Forever?

Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana Ariana grande grand grande grande grande grande grande grande

This is the part when I break free cause I can't resist it no more this is the part when I say I don't want ya I'm stronger than I been before this is the part when I break free cause I can't resist it no more!!

Created by: Treasure

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When Did You Meet?
  2. Do You Play Fight?
  3. How Many 'best friends' Do You Have?
  4. Do you communicate OUT of school?
  5. Have You Ever Purposely Avoided/Ignored Your 'best friend''?
  6. Do you judge each other?
  7. How old are y'all?
  8. Do you know her birthday, fav color? Do you know mostly everything about her
  9. Thanks for taking my quiz! Are you ready for your answer!? Bye guys!
  10. Wait I'm NOT done!....NOW I'm done bye

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Quiz topic: Am I Best Friends Forever?