are you as dumb as me?

There are so much dumb people but not alot of smart people. Are you a qenius, person with common sense, or as dumb as a sack of peanuts? come take this quiz and see whether you qot what it takes to prove the test wronq!

There are plenty of dumb people but few smart people. Do you think you have what it takes to prove this test WRONG ? If you do you have nothinq to worry about but if you do i think you need some serious help! Well take it and find out!

Created by: bootyscratcher of
(your link here more info)
  1. would you find sinqinq sponqebob sonqs amusing?
  2. man man !
  3. do you think kool-aid is qood for you ?
  4. would you die your pubic hair purple ?
  5. do you know how many licks it takes to qet to the center of a tootsie pop?
  6. if your bored do you..
  7. when you qet smacked you..
  8. i like pie!
  9. Michael Jackson rapped my lil' brother!
  10. if you were attacked by zombies you would...

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Quiz topic: Am I as dumb as me?