Are you anorexic?

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This quiz is a simple quiz to help you determine if you have anorexia or not. This is not a diagnosis and if you want a proper diagnosis, go see a mental health professional.

The following quiz I have prepared consist of 10 questions. Please answer honestly so that you get the result you are supposed to. Let's start the quiz!

Created by: Emma
  1. Do you go for long periods of time without eating anything?(18 hours or more)
  2. Do you right down what you eat in a journal to keep track of your diet?
  3. How often do you weigh yourself?
  4. Do you work out excessively to try to loose weight or burn off any calories you just ate?
  5. If you're at a friends house for a sleepover and it dinner time, how much do you eat?
  6. Do you see yourself as above average weight?
  7. Do you do any of the following to try to loose weight after eating?
  8. Do you make excuses not to eat?
  9. Do you decide when or what you eat or refuse to eat as a way to give yourself complete control over something?
  10. Do your friends ever tell you your too thin and need to eat more?

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Quiz topic: Am I anorexic?
