Are You Amazing

So do you really think you are are amazing because not everyone is actually truly and amazingly awesome even if they are awesome I know you can get a high score even if you are 5-90 years old.

I know who may think you are awesome but can you really be batawesome or as cool as Chuck Noris because that would make you like super power amazing that they would have to come up with a new word for it

Created by: Hottie_Snow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You would rather have family than money
  2. You don't care what people think of you as long as your happy
  3. You would rather be by yourself then with others
  4. You are important
  5. You love who you are
  6. This is getting boring
  7. You think you are beautiful
  8. People say you are beautiful
  9. You are taking this test because you are bored
  10. You will always be amazing

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Quiz topic: Am I Amazing