Are you a working class Tyke?

A quiz designed to gauge your level of Yorkshireness, based on knowledge of Yorkshire culture and speech. There are no wrong answers, we are all different - but we are not all Tykes.

There's nobody more annoying than a professional Yorkshire(wo)man, so don't fret if you score low on Tykeness. Should you be confirmed as a true Tyke, try not to lay it on too thick. It irritates lesser mortals.

Created by: redbuzzard
  1. "Dinner" is...
  2. "Supper" is...
  3. A "sheffield" is...
  4. Do you eat Yorkshire pudding...
  5. "Beck" is
  6. "Fratch" means...
  7. If you ask after a Yorkshireman's health, and he replies "still cloggin'" does he mean he is...
  8. "Bray" is...
  9. Christmas cake should be...
  10. A pork pie would normally be eaten...

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Quiz topic: Am I a working class Tyke?