Are you a wizard or witch?

If you do this quiz you know if your a magic person or not a magical person and also check out my cousins quiz called what Hogwarts house are you in quiz.

I’m sorry I can’t put in the link because it would say (No URLS) and the link wouldn’t be seen on the quiz informative paragraphs which is what is what this is in!

Created by: Hermione Granger
  1. Do you have a wand
  2. Do you have a spell book?
  3. Do you want to be a witch or wizard?
  4. Do you want magic to be real
  5. Do you watch ( or read) Harry Potter?
  6. Have you got a fake wand
  7. Do you have a fake spell book
  8. Do you have a Harry Potter wand
  9. Do like Harry potter
  10. Twilight or Harry Potter

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Quiz topic: Am I a wizard or witch?

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