Are you a Werewolf? Or not...?

I am a teenaged werewolf making werewolf quizzes and will make more.................... maybe. It is a possibility that I won't. We will find out soon

I don't know what to put in this section so here. iwbgiwgi;wge;iwubifeouhwhuguwqhubqw9pgq7ruogqwigbypquirygbqirygqouhqrgqwbvgq[rougnqhrwuogbowqgqowgow

Created by: WeReWoLf2275
  1. Do you have a pack?
  2. Do you like being outside?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
  4. Favorite food?
  5. Are you a werewolf?
  6. I am out of ideas for questions. What is your favorite color?
  7. Will you listen to whoever is your Alpha?
  8. What is your favorite animal?
  9. Number nine. Are you exited?
  10. Are you a Vampire?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Werewolf? Or not...?
