Are you a werewolf?

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Are you a werewolf? With this 12 question quiz, you will find out! I will tell you if you are a werewolf or not! AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

You are all my friends and I will help you guys. If you are not my friend, you are a bully. I dislike bullies a whole lot. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Created by: TwilightwolfSam
  1. Do you crave meat?
  2. Do you get uncontrollable anger?
  3. Do you have good wolf impressions?
  4. Do you like eating?
  5. Do you have a strong love for wolves?
  6. Have you ever killed a living thing?
  7. Do you want to be Alpha?
  8. Are you physically strong?
  9. Can you eat a lot without getting sick?
  10. Are you fast?

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Quiz topic: Am I a werewolf?