find out is you are a VSCO girl yay i love u and rob love and skye and cole and john keiko jane dan ed lon=rane tori ed owen quinn anna annie the squad my thomas yayyayya

sksksks so i love cheese the best bri idk what anyone says but u know it is the best so yea im half a vsco girl and i love u guys this quiz is a joke lol

Created by: lily
  1. Do you own a hydroflas
  2. do you have the app
  3. do your friends call u basic or VSCO
  4. have you ever had acrylic nails
  5. do you think your vsco
  6. umm
  7. have u ever said or texted "sksksksk"
  8. do u like dance moms
  9. i ran out of questions
  10. yeye

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Quiz topic: Am I A VSCO GIRL

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