Are you a Turtle or a Bird?

This quiz is meant to define your being. Drawing the line that you live with only a turtle or a bird. The complex nature is not one to be questioned as it is deeper than you set out to imagine. You are only a rule in this quiz and you must play as such.

Answer the questions as best as you can. The answers may seem a little wonky, but with a different train of thought, they display more than they seem. You are meant to discover them naturally to find your true story.

Created by: Lester
  1. Where do you feel the wind?
  2. When do you sleep?
  3. What kind of light do you see in the sun?
  4. When is the time to go?
  5. Where do you hide?
  6. What do you eat?
  7. Why do you live?
  8. What do you fear?
  9. What makes the colour red be known?
  10. What story does the future tell you?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Turtle or a Bird?
