Are you a true warrior cat fan?

Are you a warrior cats fan? Take this quiz to find out if you are a TRUE warrior cat fan! i hope that you enjoy the quiz. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!

Have the best of luck and may you have fun! should i make more quizzes or not? nothing is impossible there are just things in the world that are just not possible.

Created by: Bob Is Awesome
  1. how many lives dose a clan leader have?
  2. how many moons are kits when they become apprentices?
  3. what are the steps of becoming leader in ORDER?
  4. Hi
  5. what dose the Medicine Cat do?
  6. you are half way there.
  7. why are you taking this quiz?
  8. what are the six clan names?
  9. what is your favourite book?
  10. last question is there warrior cat movies that ISNT in anime?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true warrior cat fan?