Are You a True Puerto Rican?

Puerto Rican are really good and caring people. We are also part of the United States of America. We speak both English and Spanish. Puerto Rico is a little island, but people in Puerto Rico have big hearts.

Are you a true Puerto Rican? Do you have the confidence to answer all these questions? Prove to me that you're one of us. True Puerto Ricans should answer all these questions right.

Created by: keish
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you speak Spanish?
  2. How do U call P3opl3?
  3. How do we say cereal in spanish?
  4. What's our major language?
  5. Ar3 W3 am3ricans.
  6. Do we sleep a lot?
  7. Que se valla pal mismi carajo... Wat do3S dat mean.
  8. When was puerto rico discovered?
  9. What are Puerto Ricans also called?
  10. Whats a coqui?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Puerto Rican?