Are you a TRUE potterhead?

This is TRUE Harry Potter Test to see if You Really Are a POTTERHEAD!! To see if you are a POTTERHEAD Just answer these few question To see? Hope You enjoy!

Too make sure you get them right make sure to study like Hermione!!! If you Bad Just Go and Watch or Read all the Harry Potter MOvies or Books!!!!!!!!

Created by: Bob the 3
  1. How many Harry Potter books have you read?
  2. How many Harry Potter Movies have you Watched?
  3. What is Scabbers Human name?
  4. What is Ravenclaw's animal Mascot?
  5. Who is a Hufflepuff?
  6. What house is the Golden Trio in?
  7. What house was Severus Snape the leader of?
  8. What Patronus is Harry Potter
  9. What order are the Movies in?
  10. What spell brings things to you?

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE potterhead?
