Are you a true Potterhead?

Welcome to the world of my first Harry Potter quiz it took me a while to make it and I hope you like it! P.S for the second paragraph read the books too! Enjoy!

Answer the questions and find out of you are truly a Potterhead!I know I am I made it! Btw if you haven't watched the movies you need to watch them noww!

Created by: Luna Lycan
  1. Who was the first DADA professor?
  2. Who are the silver trio?
  3. Have you read all the books?
  4. Have you seen all the movies?
  5. Who is the boy who lived?
  6. Who is the main ravenclaw?
  7. Do you think your a real Potterhead?
  8. What is Hagrid's full name?
  9. In what movie does Dumbledore die?
  10. Hoped you liked my quiz bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Potterhead?
