Are You Hermione, Luna, Ginny or Pansy? (Hogwarts Quiz)

Are you brave Ginny Weasley, imaginative Luna Lovegood, intelligent Hermione Granger, or bullying Pansy Parkinson? This quiz determines which of these Harry Potter heroines you are, with just 12 questions. (Well, I guess Pansy is a piece of human garbage, but that's beside the point.)

Please note: The art included in this quiz is not owned by me, and the quiz-idea wasn't entirely original. This is a remake of my old quiz, "Are you Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, or Hermione Granger?". Please check it out, and don't hunt me down with pitchforks and fire if you don't like your result.

Created by: We1rd0_Gurl
  1. Q1: What is your Hogwarts house?
  2. Q2: What is the first letter of your name?
  3. Q3: What is the most important human quality?
  4. Q4: Finish the sentence. "I am mostly..."
  5. Q5: Describe your hair.
  6. Q6: Who is your "Harry Potter" soulmate?
  7. Q7: What is the first letter of your surname?
  8. Q8: What would you rather be?
  9. Q9: Describe what you want your adulthood to look like. (If you are an adult, describe what it currently looks like.)
  10. Q10: Favourite kind of music?
  11. Q11: Do you have a crush?
  12. Q12: Are there many ways to spell your name? (E.g. John, Jon etc.)

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Quiz topic: Am I Hermione, Luna, Ginny or Pansy? (Hogwarts Quiz)
