Are you a true patriot?

This is just for fun and is not meant to harm anyone. If some content is rather offensive please know that this quiz is a level up quiz and is just a joke and if you are easily offended by things then you should leave and stop taking my quizzes

Hello peoplez so I made a poll for a mayor spot on the chat rooms and we need one soon. Donโ€™t choose if you do not know what I am talking about or who these people are. [poll.Uj3]

Created by: The1ForU 2
  1. Are we independent?
  2. Are you an American?
  3. What is the best country?
  4. What is the safest country
  5. What is the first state?
  6. Most patriotic song
  7. How many guns should a true patriot own?
  8. What is the most American thing?
  9. Who was the best ruler out of the following
  10. If you had to choose to lose a girlfriend/boyfriend or lose your gun, what would a pure hearted American always choose?
  11. Last question: will you stay in America for the future?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true patriot?

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