Are you a true Billie Eilish fan?

This is a Billie Eilish true fan quiz! Please try it out and see if your a real or fake fan! I am a real fan and this took me a while to make so I would be happy if you would try it out!

Some more information about this quiz-These will be basic questions about Billie and like two questions that will be finish the lyrics questions! Enjoy!

Created by: lucy
  1. How old is Billie Eilish?
  2. What is Billie Eilish's full name?
  3. What was her first song?
  4. When is her birthday?
  5. Finish the lyrics-Losing feeling's getting old...
  6. What is her brother's name?
  7. What diet is Billie on?
  8. What are her parents names?
  9. Do you love Billie Eilish?
  10. Last question-Are you a real fan or fake fan?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Billie Eilish fan?
